November 15, 2022 Minutes

Pursuant to C.R.S., §32-1-903, notice is hereby given to the members of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District Board of Directors and to the general public that the Board will hold its regular meeting, which is open to the public, at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at the Upper Thompson Sanitation District Administrative Office, 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, CO, 80517. Individuals who wish to address the Board via public participation may do so “in-person”, via telephone, or virtually through online participation, facilitated by the Microsoft Teams platform. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting via online or telephone participation, please email a request for the meeting link or telephone number to Ms. Gina Moore, Secretary to the Board, at gina@utsd.org by 2:00 p.m. on November 15, 2022.

Revised Agenda

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Roll Call, Absences Excused.
  4. Next Meeting Date: Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 20, 2022
  5. Agenda: Correction and Approval.
  6. Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest.
  7. Public Forum: An opportunity for presentation by the public to provide information to the Board of Directors on any non-agenda item. Note: The Board cannot take any action on non-agenda items but may direct staff to include the item on a future agenda. Public Comment on Agenda Items: Public comments will be heard by the Board at the conclusion of the presentation of the agenda item. Persons addressing the Board shall first be recognized by the District Manager or Board Chairman and may speak only one time per agenda item. Speakers shall state their name and address for the official minutes, address comments to the Board as a Body, and shall be allotted three (3) minutes for public comment.
  8. Minutes: Correction and Approval: Special Board Meeting, October 12, 2022
    Regular Board Meeting, October 18, 2022
  9. New Business and Special Orders:
    1. Update: Phase II - Design of the WRF and Lift Station Improvements Project – presented by Mr. Ravel, P.E., Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company.
    2. Public Hearing on Proposed 2023 Budget – presented by Mr. Bieker and Ms. Moore.
  10. Reports of Officers, Committees, and Staff: Questions, Comments, Correction and Approval:
    1. Treasurer’s Report.
    2. Plant Report.
    3. System Development Fee Allocation and Connection Report.
    4. Collection System Report.
    5. Operations Manager’s Report.
    6. Assistant District Manager’s Report.
    7. District Manager’s Report.
  11. Executive Session: §24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S., Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators related to the site location of the Fish Creek Lift Station.
  12. Adjournment.

Upper Thompson Sanitation District (District) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, familial status, national origin, or ancestry, and in employment or in any program or activity conducted by the District. The District will make reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with known disabilities. If any person has a disability and requires a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact District Manager, Mr. Chris Bieker, three days before the event via email at chris@utsd.org, or telephone at 970.586.4544, or dial 711 to connect with Relay Colorado.


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Roll Call, Absences Excused.
  4. Next Meeting Date: Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday, December 20, 2022
  5. Agenda: Correction and Approval.
  6. Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest.
  7. Public Forum: An opportunity for presentation by the public to provide information to the Board of Directors on any non-agenda item. Note: The Board cannot take any action on non-agenda items but may direct staff to include the item on a future agenda. Public Comment on Agenda Items: Public comments will be heard by the Board at the conclusion of the presentation of the agenda item. Persons addressing the Board shall first be recognized by the District Manager or Board Chairman and may speak only one time per agenda item. Speakers shall state their name and address for the official minutes, address comments to the Board as a Body, and shall be allotted three (3) minutes for public comment.
  8. Minutes: Correction and Approval: Special Board Meeting, October 12, 2022
    Regular Board Meeting, October 18, 2022
  9. New Business and Special Orders:
    1. Update: Phase II - Design of the WRF and Lift Station Improvements Project – presented by Mr. Ravel, P.E., Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company.
    2. Public Hearing on Proposed 2022 Budget – presented by Mr. Bieker and Ms. Moore.
  10. Reports of Officers, Committees, and Staff: Questions, Comments, Correction and Approval:
    1. Treasurer’s Report.
    2. Plant Report.
    3. System Development Fee Allocation and Connection Report.
    4. Collection System Report.
    5. Operations Manager’s Report.
    6. Assistant District Manager’s Report.
    7. District Manager’s Report.
  11. Executive Session: §24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S., Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators related to the site location of the Fish Creek Lift Station.
  12. Adjournment.

Upper Thompson Sanitation District (District) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, familial status, national origin, or ancestry, and in employment or in any program or activity conducted by the District. The District will make reasonable accommodation for qualified individuals with known disabilities. If any person has a disability and requires a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact District Manager, Mr. Chris Bieker, three days before the event via email at chris@utsd.org, or telephone at 970.586.4544, or dial 711 to connect with Relay Colorado.


Call to Order

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Estes Park, Colorado, was called to order at 4:00 p.m. and held as shown above and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Colorado with the following Directors present and acting:

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Board of Directors:
Jack Reed, Chairman
Susan Doylen, Vice-Chairman/Secretary
Ronald I. Duell, Treasurer/ Assistant Secretary
Kent Bosch, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Christopher Eshelman, Director

Chris Bieker, District Manager
Suzanne Jurgens, Assistant District Manager
Gina Moore, Financial Officer
Matt Allen, Operations Manager
Nathanael Romig, Collection Superintendent
Henry Newhouse, Plant Superintendent
Sheryl Ponzer, Customer Accounts Manager 
Naomi McCracken, Secretary Joined meeting "in person" at 5 :05 p.m.)

Invited Guests:
Steve Ravel, P.E., Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company

John Kuosman, Water/Wastewater Division Leader, Merrick & Company

Joined via web conference call

Next Meeting Date

The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on December 20, 2022.

Approval of Agenda

The Board Considered the Revised Agenda.

It was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to approve the Revised Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is a topic of discussion at every Board meeting to address potential conflicts of interest that may arise as new agenda items are introduced. District Directors who have disclosed potential conflicts of interest can vote as issues arise.

Public Forum

Mr. Reed opened the meeting for public comment.

Ms. Doylen explained the Public Forum is an opportunity for presentation by the public to provide information to the Board of Directors on any non-agenda item. She further explained the Board cannot take action on non-agenda items but may direct staff to include the item on a future agenda.

Regarding public comment on Agenda Items, Ms. Doylen provided the following statement:

Public comments will be heard by the Board at the conclusion of the presentation of the agenda item. Persons addressing the Board shall first be recognized by the District Manager or Board Chairman and may speak only one time per agenda item. Speakers shall state their name and address for the official minutes, address comments to the Board as a Body, and shall be allotted three (3) minutes for public comment.

Two members of the public joined the meeting, via web conference call.

In attendance was Mr. Stewart Squires, of 618 Park River Place, Estes Park, and Mr. Gerald (Jerry) Darmafall, of 1331 Willow Lane, Estes Park, Mr. Darmafall joined the meeting at 4:18 p.m. Mr. Squires and Mr. Darmafall indicated they were attending the meeting for general interest and did not offer comment on a non-agenda item.

Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting

The Board reviewed and discussed the Minutes of the October 12, 2022, Special Board Meeting and the October 18, 2022, Regular Board Meeting.

It was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to approve the Minutes of the October 12, 2022, Special Board Meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Mr. Bosch and seconded by Ms. Doylen to approve the Minutes of the October 18, 2022, Regular Board Meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business and Special Orders

Update: Phase II - Design of the Water Reclamation Facility and Lift Station Improvements Project - presented by Mr. Ravel, PE, Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company:

Regarding the design of the Water Reclamation Facility and Lift Station Improvements Project (Project), Mr. Ravel noted the following updates which occurred after the October 18, 2022, Regular Board Meeting:

  • Fish Creek Lift Station (FCLS):
    • The site location application process design report (PDR) is under review by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).
    • The proposed site layout was developed further for use with the Larimer County Planning Department review and approval.
    • Additional site investigations were completed for the site.
    • The design drawings have been updated including process, structural, electrical, mechanical, and site civil and 60%documents will be submitted in November 2022.
  • Wapiti Lift Station (WLS), WLS Interceptor, and WLS Force Main:
    • The site location application PDR is under review by the CDPHE.
    • The proposed site layout was developed further for use with the Larimer County Planning Department review and approval.
    • The design drawings have been updated including process, structural, electrical, mechanical, and site civil and 60%documents will be submitted in November 2022.
  • Water Reclamation Facility (WRF):
    • The site location application is under review by the CDPHE. The CDPHE provided a second Request for Information (RFI) regarding the additional water quality testing data and a response is under development for submittal by December 2, 2022.
    • The proposed site layout was developed further for use with the Larimer County Planning Department review and approval.
    • The design drawings have been updated including process, structural, electrical, mechanical, and site civil and 60%documents will be submitted in November 2022.
  • Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR):
    • A CMAR partnering session was held with Garney Construction on November 7, 2022.
    • Garney Construction is preparing a 45% opinion of probable construction cost for use with developing the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).
  • Specifications and Drawings for Construction: Technical specifications (equipment, trenching, structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.) and drawings were further developed, and 60% documents will be submitted in November 2022.
  • United States Bureau of Reclamation (USER): A monthly meeting was held with the USBR.
  • Western Area Power Authority (WAPA): Coordination continues with W APA regarding the status of the power line removal project. The power lines are planned for removal by December 31, 2023.
  • Town of Estes Park:
    • Coordination is underway with the Town regarding the water main extension along Highway 34 and potable water and fire water supply to the WRF, WLS, and New FCLS.
    • Coordination is underway with the Town regarding the electrical line relocation at the existing WRF site and proposed primary power feed to the proposed WRF.
  • Fire District:
    • Coordination is underway with the Fire District regarding fire hydrant location and fire lane access to the WRF.
  • Larimer County:
    • Coordination is underway with Larimer County to confirm Planning Department submittal requirements for the FCLS, WLS, and WRF.
    • The Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) was approved by Larimer County and will be submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for approval.
    • A Larimer County location and extents (L&E) meeting is scheduled for December 2022.
  • Financial Planning:
    • The tentative schedule for a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan application is January 2023.
    • WIFIA provided comments regarding the application for funding submitted on September 6, 2022. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled with WIFIA to discuss the updated financial plan.

Mr. Ravel highlighted the Project 60% design submittal, including drawings and specifications, will be delivered to the District on November 23, 2022.

Mr. Ravel informed the Board that a meeting with WIFIA to discuss the updated financial model is scheduled for November 17, 2022. A meeting with Garney Construction is scheduled for November 16, 2022, to review the 45% opinion of probable construction cost.

Mr. Ravel answered questions of the Board regarding potential Project cost savings, value engineering opportunities, life expectancy of the new WRF, and CDPHE required chemical limitations and standards.

The Board thanked Mr. Ravel for the Project update.

Public Hearing on Proposed 2023 Budget - presented by Mr. Bieker and Ms. Moore.

At 4:33 p.m. Mr. Reed opened the Public Hearing on the Proposed 2023 Budget.

Mr. Bieker mentioned the Proposed 2023 Budget has been revised since it was originally presented at the October 12, 2022, Special Board Meeting.

Mr. Bieker stated the proposed budget complies with legal requirements, showing estimated beginning and ending fund balances, previous year audited figures, year-end estimated figures for 2022 and figures for the year in which the budget will be adopted.

Mr. Bieker reminded the Board that The Notice of the Public Hearing for the Proposed 2023 Budget was published in the Estes Park News twice, on October 14, 2022, and on October 21, 2022. The Notice of Public Hearing was also posted on the UTSD website and at the UTSD administration office on October 14, 2022.

Mr. Bieker reported that other than complimentary comments from Mr. Stewart Squires, the District has not received communication from its customers or the public regarding the Proposed 2023 Budget.

Mr. Bieker stated that when the budget was presented at the October 12, 2022, Special Board Meeting, he asked the Board to direct their questions and comments to him regarding the 2023 proposed budget. Mr. Bieker said he will respond to inquiries about the budget at this meeting and prior to the December 20, 2022, Board Meeting at which time the budget will be submitted for approval and adoption by the Board of Directors.

Mr. Bieker stated the 2023 budget is a collaborative effort of District staff, including he, Ms. Moore, Ms. Jurgens, Ms. Ponzer, Mr. Allen, Mr. Newhouse, and Mr. Romig. Mr. Bieker extended his thanks to each staff member for their participation in the budget process.

Mr. Bieker stated this proposed budget represents the District's best effort to predict business activity and outline initiatives for the year 2023. It is prepared in unsettling economic times of the post pandemic world.

Mr. Bieker added the budget reflects the District's ongoing work to design and construct the new water reclamation facility and lift station improvements, continued diligent operation and maintenance of the existing wastewater treatment facility, lift stations, and collection system, and staffing considerations. District staff diligently manage costs and resources to provide the highest quality wastewater treatment to our customers by the most cost effective means possible.

Mr. Bieker continued noting that while this proposed budget focuses on identifying and estimating revenue and expenditures of financial resources, upon adoption it becomes a policy setting document. It offers directives on Upper Thompson Sanitation District's allocation of staff time and resources and affects management decisions for the year 2023.

Mr. Bieker noted the budget message provides a review of District activity through October 2022 and summarizes the basis of the 2023 budget. Additionally, the budget document addresses revenues and overhead and operational expenses as they are allocated for each of the District's departments. Mr. Bieker also stated the proposed budget document includes a capital improvement plan which specifies anticipated capital projects spanning the years from 2023 through 2032.

Mr. Bieker stated the proposed 2023 General Fund Budget Summary indicates operational revenues to be $5,598,392 and capital revenues to be $235,500. He reported 2023 total income is budgeted conservatively at $5,833,892.

Mr. Bieker stated budgeted overhead expenditures for the year 2023 total $4,549,881, and budgeted operation expenditures total $1,132,525. He reported budgeted operation and overhead expenditures total $5,682,406.

He stated total capital expenditures for 2023 are budgeted at $4,392,500, which includes a $500,000 contingency.

Mr. Bieker stated all expenditures for the year, including overhead, operation, and capital equal $10,074,906. He noted overall 2023 budget expenses decreased approximately 10% below 2022's budgeted expenses. The 2023 proposed budget indicates a net operating deficit of $4,241,014 which will be funded with appropriated reserve funds. This is a result of anticipated expenditures for planned capital projects valued at $4,392,500.

Mr. Bieker noted the proposed 2023 budget reflects total revenues increasing approximately 15% over 2022's budgeted revenues. This increase reflects a conservative estimate of 2023 revenue garnered from service fees, investment interest and system development fees. The budgeted revenue for 2023 reflects an 11 % rate increase on metered and non-metered customer accounts and access fees.

Mr. Bieker then explained contingency funds are incorporated into the budget document for a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. He stated the 2023 budget for Overhead Contingency, Account 5960, is $10,000. He reported the 2023 Operation Contingency, Account 6400, is allocated at $50,000; and the Capital Contingency, Account 7062, is allocated at $500,000. Mr. Bieker further explained contingencies will only be used at the discretion of the District Manager and Board of Directors.

Mr. Bieker communicated estimated 2022 capital revenue is $341,826 which is $124,326 over the 2022 budgeted capital revenue figure of $217,500. The 2022 capital expenses are estimated to be $2,945,687, which is $3,872,813 under the 2022 budget of $6,818,500.

Mr. Bieker stated anticipated 2022 revenues total $5,535,888 and anticipated 2022 expenses including overhead, operations, and capital total $6,255,602. The estimated operating and capital deficit for 2022 is $719,714.

The 2023 budgeted beginning fund balance is $13,266,709 and the ending fund balance is $9,025.694.

Mr. Bieker then discussed the 2023 Capital Improvement Plan which forecasts capital projects and expenses through the year 2032. In 2023, the capital budget includes funds for:


  • New utility billing software ($40,000)
  • Updated video conferencing equipment ($20,000)

Collection System:

  • The 2023 CIP allocates funds ($200,000) needed for ongoing collection system rehabilitation (CIP, Pipe Burst)
  • Downtown Development Rehabilitation/Manhole Raising (TEP FLAP Project) ($50,000)
  • Big Thompson Interceptor Assessment/Construction Improvements ($75,000)
  • Purchase of a new jet truck ($400,000)
  • Purchase of a new heavy utility truck for the collection department ($95,000)
  • Purchase of a snowplow for the skid steer ($6,500) 4X4 Conversion of the CCTV Van ($15,000)

Treatment Plant:

  • A new electronic gate for the perimeter fence of the existing treatment plant ($15,000)
  • Installation of an exterior handrail on the hill west of the treatment plant ($10,000)
  • Purchase of a self-contained portable 6" Dri Prime Pump ($86,000)
  • TRLS and FCLS wet well repair/rehabilitation evaluation ($50,000)
  • Structural evaluation of Aeration Basins and Digester Basins ($60,000)
  • New NH3 Probes ($16,000)

New Water Reclamation Facility Lift Station and Improvements Project: The 2023 costs for engineering design, construction manager at risk consultation, legal and permit management, membrane design, and engineering services during construction total $2,754,000.

Mr. Bieker concluded 2023 Capital Expenditures total $3,892,500.

Ms. Moore then replied that since the October 12, 2022, Special Board Meeting, she has edited the 2023 budget message to reflect updated figures presented in the October Proposed Budget.

Ms. Moore then stated the 2022 forecast spreadsheet has been updated to reflect actual year to date revenues and expenses through October 31, 2022. Additionally, Ms. Moore stated the 2022 estimated revenues and expenses have been revised based on year-to-date figures and staff input and reflect a best effort to predict final totals.

Ms. Moore indicated that before adoption of the 2023 budget, further revisions will be made and presented to the Board for consideration at the December 20, 2022, Regular Board Meeting.

Ms. Moore explained to the Board that, at the December 20, 2022, Regular Board Meeting, a resolution will be prepared for the Board to adopt the budget and appropriate funds for the 2023 budget year. Upon adoption of the 2023 budget, she stated, as statutorily required, it will be submitted to the Division of Local Government in January 2023.

Ms. Moore then summarized revisions to the 2023 budgeted expenses since the proposed budget was presented to the Board on October 12, 2022.

The following notable revisions made to the 2023 Administration budget include:

  • Account 5150 (Budget Page 34) - Building Maintenance/Repair Increased from $22,000 originally budgeted to $27,000 to allow for seal coating of the Admin asphalt parking lot.
  • Account 5220/200 (Budget Page 34) - Computer Maintenance - Increased from $21,600 to $23,600 to allow for an additional iPad for the Board of Directors.
  • Account 5252, (Budget Page 35) Property & Liability Insurance, decreased by $3000 based on the invoice received for the 2023 year; however, still allows for potential deductibles, additional premiums for equipment purchases, etc.
  • Account 5505 (Budget Page 36) - Training/Seminar Expense - Increased $2,500 to allow for additional staff development opportunities.
  • Account 5740 (Budget Page 37) - Tech Support Increased by $3,000 for consulting regarding Request For Proposals for IT Services.
  • Account 5775 (Budget Page 37) - Professional Services -Increased to$425,500 from the original budget figure of $385,000 to include a rate study to review the District's cost of service and a Gap Analysis for the new billing software, Continental Utility Solutions, Inc. (CUSI).

Ms. Jurgens elaborated on the Gap Analysis, explaining a CUSI representative will work with District Administrative staff for a week to determine internal integration methods between accounting and customer accounts, as well as other necessary factors to best customize the software to the District's needs and to implement a more efficient integration of the new billing software. The projected $10,000 cost for the Gap Analysis will be deducted from the total software cost.

The following notable revisions made to the 2023 Laboratory budget:

  • Account 6030 (Budget Page 38)- Outside Services -Added $10,000 to allow for a courier service for lab samples.

Mr. Bieker explained to the Board that currently Plant staff are transporting samples which is costing the District fuel and staff time; therefore, engaging a courier service would eliminate this task for Plant staff.

The following notable revisions made to the 2023 Plant budget:

  • Account 5165 (Budget Page 34) - Utilities - Increased by $6,000 to allow for additional inflationary costs.
  • Account 5410 (Budget Page 35) Salaries & Wages Increased from$529,811 to $775,879 to allow for potential new hires and base wage increases. Consequently, accounts 5420, Employer Payroll Taxes, and 5460 CO PERA 401 a Employer Contributions also increased.
  • Accounts 5505/5510 (Budget Page 36) Trainings and Conferences were increased by $2,000 to allow for additional staff development opportunities.
  • Account 6020 (Budget Page 38)-Plant Repairs & Maintenance-Added a placeholder of $300,000 for aeration basin and digester biosolids pumping services and $5,000 for sealcoating of the Plant asphalt parking lot.
  • Account 6040 (Budget Page 38) - Clothing & Uniform Expense -Added $5,000 for UTSD logo coats, hats, and safety vests.

The following notable revisions have been made to the 2023 Collection budget:

  • Account 5150 (Budget page 34) Collection Building Maintenance -Increased by $5,000 to allow for sealcoating of the Collection asphalt parking lot.
  • Account 5410 (Budget Page 35) Increased from $369,901 to $438,876 to allow for potential new hire with highest certification, level 4, and base wage increases. Consequently, accounts 5420, Employer Payroll Taxes, and 5460 CO PERA 401 a Employer Contributions accounts for the Collection Department also increased.
  • Account 5505 (Budget Page 36) - Training/Seminar Expense - Increased $1,000 to allow for additional staff development opportunities.
  • Account 6320 (Budget Page 39) - Vehicle Maintenance & Repair - Increased from $10,000 as originally budgeted to $15,000 to allow additional funds to cover potential motor replacement on the 2009 Ford F- 250.

The following notable revisions have been made to the 2023 Capital budget:

  • Account 7030 (Budget page 40) - Software - Increased by $5,000 for the new billing software, CUSI.
  • Account 7055 (Budget page 40)- Plant Equipment-Increased purchase of 6" Dri Prime Pump to $86,000 for addition of associated hoses/fittings. An additional structural evaluation for the aeration basins and digesters was included in the amount of $60,000.
  • Account 7070 (Budget page 40)- a 4x4 conversion for the CCTV Van was added in the amount of $15,000.
  • Account 7080 (Budget page 40) - Vehicle Purchase - the Collection Utility Truck was revised to $95,000 from $90,000 to account for anticipated cost increases for 2023 models.
  • Account 7085 (Budget page 40) Collection System Equipment$6500 was added for a snowplow attachment for the District's 262D Caterpillar Skid Steer.
  • Account 7080 (Budget page 41) Vehicle Purchase Capital - Decreased the amount originally allotted for the CCTV Truck by $60,000. The initial amount budgeted was $325,000 and the new figure is $265,000. Increased the collection utility truck by $5,000 - $85,000 was initially budgeted and now it is $90,000.

Ms. Moore then presented pie charts, which are an added feature to the 2023 proposed budget. Mr. Eshelman remarked that he appreciated the graphics to further depict 2023 projected revenue and expenses.

Mr. Bieker summarized the 2023 proposed budget highlighting that the expenditures exceed revenues primarily due to the 2023 capital improvement projects driving the operating/capital net position. These capital improvement projects are subject to approval by the Board of Directors and the District Manager. Mr. Bieker explained financing of approved 2023 capital improvement projects that are not funded by 2023 revenues, will be funded through use of the District's net position and appropriated reserves.

Throughout the budget hearing, the Board asked questions of Mr. Bieker, Ms. Jurgens, Ms. Moore, and Mr. Allen.

Mr. Reed thanked Mr. Bieker and Ms. Moore for the update on the Proposed 2023 budget.

At 5: 12 p.m. Mr. Reed closed the Public Hearing on the 2023 Proposed Budget.

Reports of Officers, Committees, Professional Consultants, & Staff

The Board considered the Repo1is of Officers, Committees, Professional Consultants, and District Staff.

Adding to the Treasurer's Report, Ms. Moore asked the Board for approval to remit payment to Garney Construction for invoice number 6450-001 in the amount of $98,099 for preconstruction services performed on the Water Reclamation Facility and Lift Station Improvements Project from August 16, 2022, through October 28, 2022.

It was moved by Mr. Eshelman and seconded by Mr. Duell to approve payment to Garney Construction for Invoice Number 6450-001 in the amount of $98,099. Motion carried unanimously.

In addition to the Plant Report, Mr. Newhouse commended Garney Construction for their excellent work on the dump station project. Mr. Allen stated the total project cost charged by Garney Construction is approximately half of the budgeted amount that was previously quoted from other vendors.

Adding to the Collection Report, Mr. Romig reported there is progress on the District's grease interceptor program. Mr. Romig stated letters were sent to various businesses requesting an upgrade or replacement of their grease traps. Mr. Romig added that two deadline extensions were granted due to tank supply chain issues and to allow time for necessary excavation services.

At 5:24 p.m., Mr. Squires excused himself from the remainder of the meeting.

Mr. Bieker read aloud a comment from Mr. Squires displayed in the chat section of the Team's Platform: "I strongly support compensation for the staff, but truly appreciate the efforts of the Board in 2022 and the utilization of only 36% of the allocated compensation for their time through October 31, 2022".

The Board expressed their appreciation for Mr. Squires comment.

Adding to the Operation Manager's Report, Mr. Allen commended Mr. Romig's leadership and the efforts of the collection staff for their excellent work on the Tunnel Road project.

Adding to the District Manager's Report, Mr. Bieker presented a quote from Denali Water for grit removal and disposal service he obtained for the Plant aeration basin and digester, in addition to the quote from McDonald Farm's previously presented to the Board. Mr. Bieker reported McDonald Farms was a more efficient and cost-effective option for the District. Denali Water was not able to perform the service until late Spring 2023.

The Board asked questions of the staff regarding the departmental reports. The Board did not have corrections to the departmental reports.

The Board thanked District staff for preparing the reports.

It was moved by Mr. Eshelman and seconded by Mr. Bosch to accept the Treasurer's Report, Plant Report, System Development Fee Allocation and Connection Report, Collection System Rep01i, Operations Manager's Report, Assistant District Manager's Report and District Manager's Report. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Doylen then thanked Mr. Darmafall, Mr. Squires, and Mr. Kuosman for their attendance at the meeting.

At 5:39 p.m., Mr. Darmafall, Mr. Kuosman, Ms. Panzer, Ms. McCracken, Mr. Romig, and Mr. Newhouse were excused from the remainder of the meeting.

At 5:39 p.m. the Board took a 25-minute recess.

Executive Session

At 6:04 p.m., it was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Eshelman to go into Executive Session pursuant to §24-6-402(4)(e), C.R.S. "Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators related to the site location of the Fish Creek Lift Station." Motion carried unanimously.

The Executive Session was attended by Directors Reed, Doylen, Bosch, Duell and Eshelman; Mr. Bieker; Ms. Jurgens; Ms. Moore; Mr. Allen; and Mr. Ravel.

The Board did not engage in substantial discussion of any matter not enumerated in §24-6-402(4)(e) C.R.S., nor did it adopt any proposed legislative policy, position, resolution, rule, regulation, or formal action.

The Executive Session was adjourned at 6:51 p.m.

Return to Regular Session

At 6:52 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.


Having no further business, at 6:52 p.m. it was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.