June 21, 2022 Minutes

Upper Thompson Sanitation District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
District Administrative Office Conference Room

Pursuant to C.R.S., §32-1-903, notice is hereby given to the members of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District Board of Directors and to the general public that the Board will hold its regular meeting, which is open to the public, at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at the Upper Thompson Sanitation District Administrative Office, 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, CO, 80517. Individuals who wish to address the Board via public participation may do so “in-person”, via telephone, or virtually through online participation, facilitated by the Microsoft Teams platform. Members of the public wishing to join the meeting via online or telephone participation, please email a request for the meeting link or telephone number to Ms. Gina Moore, Secretary to the Board, at gina@utsd.org by 2:00 p.m. on June 21, 2022.


  1. Call to Order. 
  2. Pledge of Allegiance. 
  3. Roll Call, Absences Excused. 
  4. Next Meeting Date - Regular Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 19, 2022. 
  5. Agenda: Correction and Approval. 
  6. Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. 
  7. Public Forum: An opportunity for presentation by the public to provide information to the Board of Directors on any non-agenda item. Note: The Board cannot take any action on non-agenda items but may direct staff to include the item on a future agenda. Public Comment on Agenda Items: Public comments will be heard by the Board at the conclusion of the presentation of the agenda item. Persons addressing the Board shall first be recognized by the District Manager or Board Chairman and may speak only one time per agenda item. Speakers shall state their name and address for the official minutes, address comments to the Board as a Body, and shall be allotted three (3) minutes for public comment. 
  8. Minutes: Correction and Approval: Regular Board Meeting, May 17, 2022. 
  9. New Business and Special Orders: 
    1. Update: Phase II - Design of the new Water Reclamation Facility, Lift Station, and Interceptor Improvements Project – presented by Mr. Ravel, P.E., Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company. 
    2. Report of UTSD’s Presentation of the new Water Reclamation Facility, Lift Station, and Interceptor Improvements Project to the Estes Park Sanitation District Board of Directors. 
    3. Board Discussion: Appointment of Board Director. 
    4. Discussion: Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) – presented by Ms. Jurgens. 
    5. Update: UTSD Staff Succession Plan – presented by Mr. Bieker. 
  10. Reports of Officers, Committees, and Staff: Questions, Comments, Correction and Approval: 
    1. Treasurer’s Report. 
    2. Plant Report. 
    3. System Development Fee Allocation and Connection Report. 
    4. Collection System Report. 
    5. Assistant District Manager’s Report. 
    6. District Manager’s Report. 
  11. Adjournment.

Upper Thompson Sanitation District (District) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, familial status, national origin, or ancestry, and in employment or in any program or activity conducted by the District. The District will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities. If any person has a disability and requires a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact District Manager, Mr. Chris Bieker, three days before the event via email at chris@utsd.org, or telephone at 970.586.4544, or dial 711 to connect with Relay Colorado.

Record of Proceedings 

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors 
Upper Thompson Sanitation District
Held: June 21, 2022, at 4:00 p.m., at the 
District Office, 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, Colorado

Call to Order

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Estes Park, Colorado, was called to order at 4:02 p.m. and held as shown above and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Colorado with the following Directors present and acting:

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Board of Directors: 
Jack Reed, Chairman 
Susan Doylen, Vice-Chairman/Secretary 
Ronald I. Duell, Treasurer/ Assistant Secretary 
Kent Bosch, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer 

Chris Bieker, District Manager 
Suzanne Jurgens, Assistant District Manager 
Gina Moore, Financial Officer 
Matt Allen, Operations Manager 
Nathanael Romig, Collection Superintendent 
Sheryl Ponzer, Customer Accounts Manager* 
Henry Newhouse, Plant Superintendent* 

Steve Ravel, P.E., Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company John Kuosman, Water/Wastewater Division Leader, Merrick & Company* 

* Joined via web conference call

Next Meeting Date

The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on July 19, 2022.

Approval of Agenda

The Board Considered the Agenda.

It was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is a topic of discussion at every Board meeting to address potential conflicts of interest that may arise as new agenda items are introduced. District Directors who have disclosed potential conflicts of interest can vote as issues arise.

Public Forum

Mr. Reed opened the meeting for public comment. 

Mr. Reed explained the Public Forum is an oppo1iunity for presentation by the public to provide information to the Board of Directors on any non-agenda item. He further explained the Board cannot take action on non-agenda items but may direct staff to include the item on a future agenda. 

Regarding public comment on Agenda Items, Mr. Reed provided the following statement: 

Public comments will be heard by the Board at the conclusion of the presentation of the agenda item. Persons addressing the Board shall first be recognized by the District Manager or Board Chairman and may speak only one time per agenda item. Speakers shall state their name and address for the official minutes, address comments to the Board as a Body, and shall be allotted three (3) minutes for public comment. 

One member of the public joined the meeting via web conference call. 

In attendance was Mr. Stewart Squires, of 618 Park River Place, Estes Park. Mr. Squires indicated he is attending the meeting for general interest and did not offer comment on a non-agenda item.

Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting

The Board reviewed and discussed the Minutes of the May 17, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. 

It was moved by Mr. Bosch and seconded by Ms. Doylen to approve the Minutes of the May 17, 2022; Regular Board Meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously

New Business and Special Orders

Update: Phase II - Design of the New Water Reclamation Facility, Lift Station, and Interceptor Improvements Project - presented by Mr. Ravel, PE, Water/Wastewater Project Manager, Merrick & Company:

Regarding the design of the New Water Reclamation Facility, Lift Station, and Interceptor Improvements Project (Project), Mr. Ravel noted the following

updates following the May 17, 2022, Regular Board Meeting:

  • Wapiti Lift Station (WLS): 
    • Discussions and workshops occurred with the design team and District regarding the proposed WLS site, WLS interceptor, and WLS force main layouts. 
    • The proposed layouts were developed further for use with the 30% submittal; the site location application for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE); and the Larimer County Planning and Building Department review and approval. 
    • A site location application process design report (PDR) and site location application is under development and will be provided shortly for review and submittal to the CDPHE for approval. 
    • The District is coordinating construction and posting of a public notification sign at the site. 
  • Water Reclamation Facility (WRF): 
    • Discussions and workshops occurred with the design team and District regarding the proposed WRF site layout and process equipment. 
    • Site Location Application - The site location application is under review by the CDPHE. Merrick & Company has coordinated with the District and submitted a response to the CDPHE requesting information (RFI) regarding water quality data for April 7, 2022. CDPHE's final review and processing of the additional information requested by CDPHE is forthcoming. CDPHE has indicated that there will be a fee for review of the additional information that CDPHE has requested. Preliminary and final design may proceed without prior site location application approval. 
    • WRF Site Layout- The proposed layouts were developed further for use with the 30% submittal and the Larimer County Planning and Building Department review and approval. 
    • Architectural alternatives for the WRF site and administration building have been developed and reviewed with the District. 
  • WRF Membrane Procurement: 
    • Membrane equipment procurement documents have been reviewed by the District's legal counsel, finalized, and issued for Bid. 
    • Bids are due on July 21, 2022. 
  • Fish Creek Lift Station (FCLS) Site Acquisition and Layout: 
    • Discussions and workshops occurred with the design team and District to discuss the proposed FCLS layout and site location alternatives. 
    • The proposed, revised layouts were developed further for use with the 30% submittal; the site location application for the CDPHE; and the Larimer County Planning and Building Department review and approval.
    • The District is coordinating construction and posting of a public notification sign on the site.
  • Specifications for Construction - A draft version of the overall project Contract Forms (Division 00) and General Requirements (Division 01) of the specification have been developed and will be submitted to the District with the 30% submittal. Technical specifications (equipment, trenching, structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.) will be developed as the project proceeds. 
  • Drawings for Construction - General (G) sheets, detail (D) sheets, and other miscellaneous sheets have been developed. Additional sheets (equipment, trenching, structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.) have been developed and will be submitted to the District with the 30% submittal. 
  • United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) - Merrick & Company is awaiting comments from the USBR regarding coordination requirements regarding the environmental assessment (EA). The location of the FCLS, WLS, WLS Interceptor, WLS Force Main, and modifications at the existing wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) will continue to be coordinated. A meeting with the USBR is scheduled for June 16, 2022. A special use application will be submitted following finalization of the FCLS, WLS, and WLS force main. 
  • Western Area Power Authority (W APA) - A coordination call with W AP A was held on June 2, 2022. Coordination with W AP A will continue regarding the 􀀎tatus of the power line removal project. The power lines are expected to be removed by December 31, 2023. 
  • Town of Estes Park- The WRF site will require a water main extension along US Highway 34 (from approximately the newly constructed Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) maintenance facility to the WRF). The water main extension will be coordinated with other commercial development proposed along US Highway 34. The WLS and FCLS will require new water services to replace the existing water services. 
  • Larimer County - Merrick & Company is awaiting a response from Larimer County regarding the Planning and Building Department requirements letter that was sent to them on March 15, 2022. 
  • Estes Park Sanitation District (EPSD) - EPSD provided a summary of their short- and long-term wastewater planning report. The District presented the project update to the EPSD on June 14, 2022, and described the ability for the District's facility to meet the long-term wastewater treatment needs of the Estes Valley. 
  • Stakeholder Group - A stakeholder group meeting was held on May 26, 2022, with attendees from the community. The stakeholder group meeting allowed for an update on the project and receipt of comments from the stakeholders.
  • Financial Planning: 
    • The project needs assessment (PNA) and preliminary engineering report (PER) is under review by the CDPHE. 
    • The application and PER are under review by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). 
    • A letter of interest will be submitted to Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) to initiate the WIFIA process once the application period opens in June/July 2022. 
  • Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR): 
    • The District's legal counsel CMAR RFP review comments were incorporated into the CMAR RFP and the RFP was advertised. 
    • A pre-submittal meeting is scheduled for June 16, 2022, at the District office. 
    • Proposals are due July 12, 2022. 
  • 30% Design Submittal - The 30% design documents (drawings, specifications, cost opinion, and schedule update) are under development and scheduled for submittal on June 24, 2022.

Adding to the above noted Project activity, Mr. Ravel highlighted subsequent to the 30% design submittal on June 24, 2022, three District review workshops will be scheduled in July 2022, to discuss specific areas of the Project including the administration building, plant building, and lift stations. 

Mr. Ravel stated a consulting contractor has been engaged to provide an opinion of probable construction cost for the Project. 

Mr. Ravel informed the Board that the membrane procurement document was advertised on BidNet Direct, and the proposals are due on July 21, 2022. 

Mr. Ravel then provided a follow up on the CMAR review meeting held on June 16, 2022. He said there are five primary contractors who have indicated interest in proposing on the Project. Although the CMAR proposals are due on July 12, 2022, contractors are asking for more time due to the 4th of July holiday; therefore, the submittal deadline will be July 19, 2022. Mr. Ravel explained once the CMAR proposals are received and reviewed, then two interviews may be scheduled with each potential contractor. The second interview is intended to be a simulated Project workshop. The goal is to select a CMAR contractor for approval by the Directors at the August 16, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. 

Mr. Ravel answered questions from the Board regarding membrane suppliers, status of the power lines removal and relocation, Project schedule, and assignment of a Larimer County Planner. 

The Board thanked Mr. Ravel for the Project update.

Report of UTSD's Presentation of the new Water Reclamation Facility, Lift Station, and Interceptor Improvements Project to Estes Park Sanitation District Board of Directors - presented by Mr. Bieker: 

Mr. Bieker reported that UTSD attended the Estes Park Sanitation District (EPSD) Regular Board Meeting held on June 14, 2022. In attendance from UTSD was Mr. Bieker, Ms. Jurgens, and Mr. Allen as well as Mr. Ravel of Merrick & Company. Mr. Bieker stated UTSD staff and Mr. Ravel presented the Project to EPSD Board of Directors. Mr. Bieker commented the meeting was productive and he was impressed with the EPSD Board and their questions regarding the Project. Topics discussed at this meeting included: growth projections, per capita flow allocation, each district's influent loadings, nutrient regulations, solids handling, temperature requirements, ratio of commercial verses residential customers in each district, metals, treatment process, supply chain issues, labor market, Project schedule, rates, and the specific project delivery method using the CMAR model. 

Mr. Bieker added UTSD's intention of constructing a facility to manage all of the Estes Valley wastewater flow was communicated to the EPSD Board of Directors. 

Mr. Bieker commended Mr. Ravel, Ms. Jurgens and Mr. Allen on their presentations to EPSD. 

Ms. Doylen commented this meeting was an important first step and she hopes UTSD will have future discussions with EPSD regarding the long-term goal of consolidation of the two districts. 

Mr. Bieker stated as the Project design progresses, he hopes UTSD and EPSD will continue discussions regarding solids handling and creative ways for flow processing, and wastewater treatment, etc. 

Mr. Duell added his appreciation for the District staff and Mr. Ravel's educational approach at the meeting. 

Board Discussion: Appointment of Board Director: 

Ms. Jurgens stated the District is in receipt of an email, dated June 11, 2022, from Mr. Christopher Eshelman expressing his interest to fill the current vacancy on the UTSD Board of Directors. The email from Mr. Eshelman states he is an eligible registered voter and owns property within the UTSD boundary. The email also highlights Mr. Eshelman's previous years' experience as a Board Director for UTSD as well as his extensive utility knowledge. 

The Board discussed Mr. Eshelman's interest in serving on the Board of Directors and qualifications making him an excellent candidate. The Board agreed he be appointed, commencing at the July 19, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. 

Mr. Reed stated he will sign a prepared Notice of Appointment to be sent to Mr. Eshelman indicating the Board's decision. 

Ms. Moore indicated Mr. Eshelman's term will be up for election in May 2023. 

It was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Duell to issue a Notice of Appointment to Mr. Christopher Eshelman to serve on the Board of Directors, commencing July 19, 2022, and to direct Ms. Moore to send this Notice of Appointment to Mr. Christopher Eshelman before the July 19, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 

At 4:55 p.m., Mr. Stewart Squires left the remainder of the meeting. 

Discussion: Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) - presented by Ms. Jurgens: 

Ms. Jurgens rep01ied the board packet includes a memorandum prepared by District legal counsel, Ms. Linda Glesne, of CEGR Law, which provides information regarding the new and upcoming Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI). Ms. Jurgens said the intent of her presentation is to provide information about the FAMLI program and facilitate board discussion; however, a board decision to participate or not participate in FAMLI will be requested at the August 16, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. 

Ms. Jurgens explained to the Board the District's current family and medical leave program allows for 12 weeks of unpaid leave in which employees may elect to use accrued sick and vacation pay during this period. 

Ms. Jurgens then provided a summary of the new state-run social insurance program, FAMLI:

  • Proposition 118: 
    • Colorado voters approved Proposition 118 in November 2020. 
    • Upon passage of Proposition 118, Colorado became one of eleven states to facilitate and mandate a paid family medical leave program.
  • FAMLI Program Benefit:
    • Ensures all Colorado workers have access to paid leave in order to take care of themselves or their family during life circumstances that pull them away from their jobs, such as for a pregnancy or a serious health condition. 
    • Eligible employees will receive up to twelve weeks of paid leave, those who experience pregnancy or childbirth complications will receive an additional four weeks.
    • Employees are eligible for paid leave beginning January 1, 2024.
  • FAMLI Program Cost: 
    • This is an unfunded mandate; therefore, both employers and employees will contribute premiums for the program (total of .9% of gross wages, .45% for employer and .45% for employee). In some cases, there is an option for employers to contribute the entire .9% contribution. 
    • Employees' may staii to see a premium contribution on their pay stubs, beginning January 1, 2023. 
    • The method by which the FAMLI Division will administer payments to employees will be worked out and further guidance provided in 2023, so at this point, technical details are unknown. 
  • Local Government Participation Options: 
    • Unlike private businesses in Colorado, special districts have the ability to choose whether to participate in FAMLI or not. 
    • The options available to the District include: 
  1. Participate in FAMLI - no vote is required by the Board to participate. Local governments will share responsibility for funding the program with their employees. Local governments may elect to pay some or all of the employee share if they choose to offer this as an added benefit for their employees. If the District joins, it is a commitment of three years.
  2. Decline ALL participation - a vote is required by the Board to decline all participation in FAMLI. This vote to opt out can be conducted at any point before January 1, 2023. The local government must register in the FAMLI system to notify the FAMLI Division of their vote to decline participation. Employees still have the option to self-select FAMLI coverage if their local government employer votes to opt out. Local government employers who vote to decline participation in the FAMLI program are not required to have an equivalent paid leave plan in place. The vote to opt out of FAMLI must be revisited eve1y eight years. 
  3. Decline EMPLOYER participation - allows a local government agency to decline to pay the employer share of the premium, while still supporting employees who want to participate by voluntarily deducting and remitting the employee share of the premium and corresponding wage data to the Division every quarter. Employees voluntarily opt into the program without having to worry about the administrative burden of remitting their own premiums and wage data every quarter. The local government's governing body must still vote to opt out of paying the employer premium.

Ms. Jurgens expanded on these options stating the Board does not have to vote to "opt in" to FAMLI fully, as it will automatically be part of the program if the Board does not formally vote to opt out; however, if the Board wishes to allow for ce1iain action to be taken by the District on behalf of any opting in employees, it may wish to also memorialize this choice in the form of a formal Resolution. The Board may determine it will decline participation at any time in 2022; however, future years will require at least six months' advance written notice to staff prior to changes to the District's participation. 

Ms. Jurgens explained public notice of the FAMLI program as an agenda item must be given in the same manner as any other business before the governing body, but there are special rules for how the Board must allow for public employee participation including when it will discuss whether or not to opt out or be covered by FAMLI. The District's employees must be notified in writing prior to the meeting at which the matter will be heard by the Board of Directors and provided with information regarding the vote process and opportunity to submit comments to the Board. While the publication requirements of a public hearing are not required by FAMLI, when this Agenda item is reached in the public meeting, the governing body will hear testimony prior to the vote. The decision of the Board of Directors must be provided to all employees within 30 days following the meeting at which such decision occurs. Employees must also be given 180 days' notice before any change regarding access to FAMLI benefits is effective. 

Per the memorandum from CEGR Law, Ms. Jurgens detailed the recommendations pertaining to the FAMLI program. CEGR suggests the District analyze the cost to both the employer and employees to provide either the FAMLI benefit or an alternative plan to its staff. CEGR urges the Board to consider the value of providing paid leave benefits over and above what is already offered to staff through current policies before deciding to opt out or remain covered by FAMLI. CEGR notes if the District has sufficient policies in place to allow for paid leave to cover situations addressed by FAMLI, then there may not be much use for another supplemental policy of insurance providing same or similar benefits. Alternatively, if the District Board believes the benefits currently offered are insufficient, then the District may benefit from involvement in the FAMLI program. 

Ms. Jurgens relayed the results of a straw poll taken at a staff meeting held on May 24, 2022, per the request of Ms. Doylen. At that meeting, in which every employee was present, the staff unanimously voted against participation in the FAMLI program. Ms. Jurgens relayed the staff indicated they would like to share their paid leave with fellow employees if needed. 

Ms. Jurgens concluded the FAMLI program will again be presented at the August 16, 2022, Regular Board Meeting in which the Board will be asked to vote about participation in the FAMLI program.

The Board discussed the FAMLI program and asked questions of Ms. Jurgens. The Board thanked Ms. Jurgens for presenting the options and recommendations for the District regarding the FAMLI program. 

Update: UTSD Staff Succession Plan- presented by Mr. Bieker: 

Mr. Bieker indicated to the Board he would like to restate his intentions to prepare for the long-term success of the District following his future plans to retire. Mr. Bieker expressed his gratitude to the Board in support of his leadership and guardianship of the District's assets during his tenure as the District Manager since 2008. Mr. Bieker elaborated stating the District's success has been a result of the Board of Directors supporting his efforts to build effective leadership capacities within the staff and by engaging outstanding professional service providers such as the District's engineering team, led by Mr. Steve Ravel, and legal counsel, led by Ms. Linda Glesne. 

Mr. Bieker reported to the Board he plans to serve the District through commissioning of the new Water Reclamation Facility Project and then intends to retire. In the meantime, Mr. Bieker stated, he plans to develop leadership capacity and ownership of duties at all levels of the District. He feels the staff will be more than capable of operating the new Water Reclamation Facility and managing all business facets of the District. Mr. Bieker emphasized he is committed to mapping the future to ensure leadership continuity in key positions and to develop and retain intellectual and capital knowledge. 

Mr. Bieker said in order to map the future of the District, he realizes the need to establish and communicate a clear direction to make certain the correct people, infrastructure, and resources are in place to advance the growth and success of the District. 

Mr. Bieker then outlaid a re-formalization of roles and responsibilities due to the demands in designing and constructing a new water reclamation facility, coupled with the effects of the pandemic changing the economic climate including:

  • Retaining the District's key leadership staff to continue serving District customers and the Estes Valley and outlining a succession plan and creating new leadership roles within the District. 
  • Ensuring the District remains true to its mission and being the premier provider of wastewater treatment in the Estes Valley.

Mr. Bieker detailed the current job responsibilities of Ms. Jurgens, Assistant District Manager and Mr. Allen, Operations Manager. Mr. Bieker stated he is confident Ms. Jurgens will be eligible for consideration to serve as the District Manager upon his retirement. Mr. Bieker commented Ms. Jurgens is developing her understanding of all aspects of managing District business and learning the technical side of wastewater, collection, treatment, and general facility operations. Mr. Bieker commended Mr. Allen saying he is bolstering his technical knowledge of plant process control and operations as well as offering supplemental support to him and Ms. Jurgens. 

Mr. Bieker then proposed to the Board a third party be hired to assist the District in collecting feedback from the District leadership team regarding continued succession planning, staff roles, benefits, and retention. Mr. Bieker elaborated ways to communicate roles is with updated job descriptions and role specific training plans. Mr. Bieker stated benefits to be considered include salary/wage adjustments, employee housing, staff vehicle provision, remote working, performance bonuses, and training bonuses. The third party would help provide comparisons and business case justification for benefit increases considered by the District. 

Mr. Bieker stated he plans to engage Mr. John Kuosman of Merrick & Company to serve as the District third party facilitator and integrator to synthesize key findings regarding succession planning and staff retention. Any findings would then be reported to Mr. Bieker and presented to the Board. Mr. Bieker expressed his confidence in Mr. Kuosman explaining he has successfully worked for other wastewater entities to develop an effective plan and approach to ensure leadership continuity in key positions and to retain and develop intellectual and capital knowledge for the future. 

Mr. Bieker emphasized his goal is to instill a culture of professional excellence, continuous growth, and staff improvement. He is committed to the continued success of the District. 

The Board discussed and agreed the investment in the future of District staff and retention is of utmost importance. The Board expressed support of Mr. Bieker in his efforts to develop recommendations on succession planning, review of benefits and employee retention. The Board indicated they look forward to consideration of Mr. Kuosman's findings and recommendations. 

The Board asked if there are budgeted funds for Mr. Kuosman's professional services. Ms. Jurgens responded stating the 2022 Adopted Budget allows for the engagement of Mr. Kuosman. 

Mr. Kuosman commended Mr. Bieker for his succession planning and staff development efforts. 

The Board thanked Mr. Bieker for his presentation.

Reports of Officers, Committees, Professional Consultants, & Staff

The Board considered the Reports of Officers, Committees, Professional Consultants, and District Staff. 

Adding to the Treasurer's Report, Ms. Moore asked the Board for approval to remit payment to Merrick & Company for invoice number 213965 in the amount of $199,551.64 for work performed on the Water Reclamation Facility and Lift Station Improvements Project from April 30, 2022, through May 27, 2022. Ms. Moore indicated she plans to transfer this amount from the Bank of Colorado Money Market account to the Bank of Colorado Checking account to prepare and remit payment. 

It was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to approve payment to Merrick & Company for invoice number 213965 in the amount of $199,551.64. Motion carried unanimously. 

The Board asked questions of the staff regarding the departmental reports. 

The Board did not have corrections to the departmental reports. 

The Board thanked District staff for preparing the reports. 

It was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to accept the Treasurer's Rep01i, Plant Rep01i, System Development Fee Allocation and Connection Report, Collection System Report, Assistant District Manager's Report and District Manager's Report. Motion carried unanimously.


Having no fmiher business, at 6:16 p.m. it was moved by Ms. Doylen and seconded by Mr. Bosch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.