Upper Thompson Sanitation District Board Vacancy

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The Upper Thompson Sanitation District has a vacant position on the Board of Directors and is seeking eligible electors to apply.  

The term of office for this position will end on May 6, 2025. This seat will be up for election during the District's election on the same date.

Board of Director Responsibilities: 

  • Policy Making: Establishing policies and strategic direction for the District.
  • Financial Oversight: Managing the budget, ensuring financial accountability, and overseeing funding allocations.
  • Program Management: Monitoring the progress of District programs and initiatives.
  • Community Engagement: Acting as a liaison between the District and the community, promoting public involvement and transparency.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensuring that the District adheres to all legal and regulatory requirements.

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 4:00 p.m. at 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park.

If you are interested in the Board vacancy, please submit a letter of interest to Chris Eshelman, Board Chairman, at ceshelman@utsd.org.  The position is vacant until a Notice of Appointment has been issued by the Board Chairman.

For questions, please contact District Manager, Suzanne Jurgens, at 970-586-4544.