Upper Thompson Sanitation District Election – Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Your Vote Matters
Upper Thompson Sanitation District Election – Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Your Vote Matters
Upper Thompson Sanitation District Election – Tuesday, May 2, 2023
To Whom It May Concern, and particularly to the electors of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District of Larimer County, Colorado.
Notice is hereby given that a regular election will be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time, two (2) directors will be elected to serve a four-year term and one (1) director will be elected to serve a two-year term.
The 2023 Election Resolution declares that:
Notice of Public Hearing for the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) and Lift Station Improvements Project and Environmental Assessment for the Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Estes Park, Colorado
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 32-1-1001(2)(a), Colorado Revised Statute, to the customers of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District (“District”) and all other interested persons that the Board of Directors of the District shall consider increasing the District’s System Development Fee at open public meetings to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, and Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at the offices of the District located at 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, Colorado 80517.
Notice is hereby given by the Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Larimer County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third (63rd) day before the election, or thereafter, there were not more candidates for Director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 3, 2022, is hereby cancelled.
The following candidates are declared elected:
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 32-1-1001(2)(a), C.R.S., to the customers of the Upper Thompson Sanitation District (“District”) and all other interested persons that the Board of Directors of the District shall consider increasing the District’s System Development Fee at open public meetings to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, and Tuesday, October 19, 2021, at the offices of the District located at 2196 Mall Road, Estes Park, Colorado 80517.
Upper Thompson Sanitation District, Estes Park, Colorado, intends to file an application for federal financial assistance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development. The District is seeking financial assistance to develop a new water treatment facility and system improvements.